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A903 Double Channel Compressor/Expander/Noise Gate
0 руб.

Описание A903 Double Channel Compressor/Expander/Noise Gate: *$ 105 $* A903 Double Channel Compressor/Expander/Noise Gate
Interdynamic compressor mixes the character of "hard flex point" and "soft flex point".
Manual / auto control "attack" and "release" time.
Switchable high pass filter avoids interference of low frequency signal.
Interdynamic compressor and "hard flex point" is commutator through switch.
Interdynamic compression rate control circuit (expander/ noise gate) can clear noise.
Dynamic EQ adjustment.
Super low noise operation amplifier, high level VCA.
High quality and relaxation Electric potential machine, driving type switch.
Selectable Stereo integrated input / Mono effective level output.
Precise 12 band level indicator (input/output/compression).
+4dBu and -10dBv level switch function.
Servo balanced circuit allows input/output through 6.3mm socket and XLR connector.

[ Купить A903 Double Channel Compressor/Expander/Noise Gate]
Подобрать A903 Double Channel Compressor/Expander/Noise Gate
Interdynamic compressor mixes the character of "hard flex point" and "soft flex point".
Manual / auto control "attack" and "release" time.
Switchable high pass filter avoids interference of low frequency signal.
Interdynamic compressor and "hard flex point" is commutator through switch.
Interdynamic compression rate control circuit (expander/ noise gate) can clear noise.
Dynamic EQ adjustment.
Super low noise operation amplifier, high level VCA.
High quality and relaxation Electric potential machine, driving type switch.
Selectable Stereo integrated input / Mono effective level output.
Precise 12 band level indicator (input/output/compression).
+4dBu and -10dBv level switch function.
Servo balanced circuit allows input/output through 6.3mm socket and XLR connector.

ХОКЕНС 2007 - 2022©

г.Пенза, ул. Гагарина 11а, тел.  8 (8412) 260-354, 8 (902) 3522007, e-mail: hokens3@gmail.com, alinahokens@gmail.com